Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to: Set an Alarm on Your Android Phone

1. For the most part, you aren’t going to find an app in your app drawer that actually says “Alarm.”

2. Instead, you’ll want to look for “Clock,” as this has become mostly universal.

3. Once you have entered the clock app, the setup is going to vary depending on the phone.

4. In almost all instances, though, look for the + as it will almost always create a new alarm.

5. Once you have started a new alarm, you can tell it to do a variety of things

Time: The most important part is obviously the time. Pretty self explanatory. 

Repeat: Repeat allows you to select which days to have your alarm continue to go off on. You can also set one time alarms by not selecting any day at all. Also, if you want a different alarm time for weekends, just set up a new alarm and only check Saturday and Sunday. 

Ringtone: You can specify a ringtone to have play during your alarm. These can be from the stock choices on your phone or you could setup a custom ringtone that you’ve found. 

Vibrate: You can also have your phone vibrate while its alarming you to wake up. Keep in mind that phones tend to move around while vibrating, so make sure it doesn’t slide off your night stand.

6. Once an alarm is set, your screen should tell you a quick countdown for when it will go off next.

7. To turn off alarms, a simple box uncheck or alarm icon tap should toggle them.

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